Rui Min
In the midst of winter I found there was within me an invisible summer
Material : Dead Cherry trees, Periostracum Cicada Resin, Cicada Sound

Using various visual and auditory elements along with rich cultural symbols, the work creates a profound sensory and emotional experience. The cherry blossom tree, the sound of cicadas, and the golden cicada are all strongly connected to symbols of seasons and life, while the title I chose further enhances the philosophical and emotional depth of the piece.
Cicadas are usually associated with summer, and their sound is the representative voice of the season. However, the exhibition takes place in autumn and winter, and the sound of cicadas creates a sense of temporal dislocation. I intend to confuse the audience's seasonal expectations, adding a sense of temporal transformation and a mysterious feeling akin to transporting one season into another.
The cherry blossom tree typically symbolizes spring, beauty, and the beginning of new life, but this tree is nearing its end, with curled green leaves and fallen leaves covering the ground. This reflects the fragility and fading of life. The contrast emphasizes the life cycle in nature and the constantly changing natural state.
'In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.' This quote from Albert Camus reinforces that even when life seems to be decaying and ending, there is still hope and resilient vitality within. This quote, combined with the visual elements of the work, conveys a message of finding inner strength and beauty even in adversity.
Through these richly layered symbols and imagery, I aim to captivate visually and aurally while provoking deep emotional and intellectual reflection. It expresses profound insights on life, time, change, and the indomitable spirit, offering multiple perspectives on aesthetics and philosophy.